Chairman Main was totally out of line. Looking at statutes of limitation as the developer’s shield for wrongdoing inspires little confidence in the ZBA’s role in protecting abutters and the preservation of our shared land and environment. I also can’t help but ask if there might be a bit of sexism in his abusive treatment of Attorney Sheehan.

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Thank you, Pam! I likewise am deeply concerned at the way our local regulatory authorities constantly seem "on the back foot," and certain interests seem to constantly have the initiative. Ultimately, it may be that the ZBAs across our town need to amend the several Zoning Bylaws if they are not working as intended right now.

And yes, I think many of us had concerns about sexism in the treatment of Attorney Sheehan.

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Thank you so much for your time and effort Ben - we NEED investigational reporting in Plymouth!

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Thank you, Carol! I very much appreciate your kind words! We absolutely, in all of our Towns, benefit from more light and more information.

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Remind me if I ever have a complaint about development in my neighborhood to make an issue of it right away and not let 44 days pass by -- sheesh! Thanks for the careful recording of this meeting.

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Thank you, Rosemary! And I agree -- I've certainly learned the importance of prompt, written complaints to the proper Town authority.

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Wow!!! I appreciate the great detail with which you captured this meeting. The conduct of the Chair, Mr. Main, was indeed appalling ! One question no one asked but was very much on my mind: what happened to the sand & gravel removed from the site? Was it sold ? If so, to whom and for how much? It seems to me to be an important piece of information .

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Thank you so kindly, Elaine! I appreciate your kind words and important questions. I don't know what happened to that sand and gravel; I will try to find out. I agree, it is, indeed, an important piece of information to know.

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Thanks, Ben. What are possible next steps for the petitioners?

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Thank you, Louis! I believe the next step would be to appeal the decision of the ZBA to the Massachusetts Land Court.

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Is this likely?

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I'm not entirely sure. I am not a lawyer, but the hearing certainly may furnish grounds for an appeal. Whether it is worth the expense, effort, etc., is likely a different question.

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Thank you, Ben -- Excellent reporting.

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